Delta Math

Delta Math is an RTI (response to intervention) program developed by the Ottawa Area ISD with support from Alt+Shift and Michigan math consultants to improve readiness to learn in math classes from kindergarten through Algebra 1. It includes online readiness screeners to identify students for tier two interventions, tier three screeners for students not responding to tier two interventions, reports, progress monitoring and instructional resources.
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Tier 2 and Tier 3 Instructional Support
Intervention lessons were developed using evidence-based recommendations from the Institute of Education Sciences and were developed by regional math consultants throughout Michigan. Each 8-day intervention cycle includes explicit instruction that is systematic, visual representations of mathematical ideas, daily progress monitoring, and motivational strategies such as personal goal setting. Additional targeted practice opportunities are also available for each grade level on the Tier 2 and Tier 3 Intervention tabs at
Please watch the Standard-based Intervention Cycle Overview support video to see how Delta Math instructional resources follow evidence-based recommendations. Then, click on the Tier 2 or Tier 3 tab, select a grade level, expand a readiness standard and scroll through a “Teacher Copy” to preview many of the following resources that are included
- Quick Checks
- Growth Chart
- Teacher Notes
- Visual Support
- Guided Practice
- Independent Practice
- Problem Solving Support
Why Try Something New?
Most screening tools used for math RtI rank students in percentiles and use cut scores to identify students for tier 2 support. The use of percentiles to identify students poses two significant challenges. 1.) The lack of diagnostic data can cause a mismatch between the type of support each student receives and the type support they would benefit from. And, 2.) Many students do not get identified and fail to receive additional support that could help remove barriers to future instruction.
Delta Math readiness screeners focus on end-of-year benchmarks from the previous grade-level to identify each student’s strengths and help schedule flexible intervention groups based on each student's unique needs.
The readiness and tier 3 standards are grade level specific and focus on whole numbers, fractions, integers and algebraic concepts based. Online readiness screeners take about 15 to 25 minutes and student data is available immediately after students click “Turn In”. Data protocols support parent-teacher conferences to discuss “Why Delta Math readiness screeners were used?”, “What are each student’s strengths?”, “What type of support that would benefit each student?” and “How will students receive additional support?”
See the Delta Math Standards by Grade Level for more information.
Evidence Base
- IES Practice Guide, "Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for Elementary and Middle Schools"
- IES Practice Guide, "Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making"
- IES Practice Guide, "Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students"
- Oakland Schools Math RtI Screening and Early Intervention Action Research Project
- Michigan Department of Education (MDE)/Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA) Regional Data Initiative